Army of Revolution Magic

"Forget about the friction and watch the reaction."-Sanyu


Don't speak a word, so that i can't remember how your voice sounds. Turn off and walk away so that i can remember how you fade your shadow down- Sanyu.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fear? no

It's been a while i'm away from my blog. i'm currently living in a hectic life, wave and wave of tension, assignments are flooding in all the time. And yet, rushing assignment during my holidays makes no sense at all.

Well, kinda fear of who i'm going to deal with nowadays. All the faces keep changing, i cant pay my trust out easily. Kinda sounds like a joke when people claims i'm the one who set-up the fire, in fact, i've no intension of setting up any fire but i do remember the flames.

To all my dearest friend, watch out for those jerks, right out of justice. LOL

1 comment:

  1. assignment ar.. lolx..
    try nt 2 b solo lo..
    if nt u r d one who tired nia..



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